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Monthly Meeting Minutes 10/11/2023

The Town of Remsen Public Hearing regarding Local Law #6-23 Providing the requirement of stamped, engineered drawings for all occupied dwellings on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, and was called to order by the Town Supervisor Thomas McDonald at 6:00 PM at the Remsen Town Hall.
Board Members PRESENT:
Supervisor Thomas Mc Donald
Councilman Duane Jones
Councilman George Hurlbut
Councilman Michael Spadaro
Superintendent McDonald provided a brief overview of the local law. No members of the public provided comment.
A motion to close the hearing was made by Mike Spadaro. Seconded by Duane Jones. Motion passe. Ayes – McDonald, Jones, Karis, Hurlbut and Spadaro. Nays – none.
Public hearing closed at 6:29 PM.
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Town of Remsen was held Wednesday October 11th, 2023 was called to order by the Town Supervisor Thomas McDonald at 6:30 PM.
Members PRESENT:
Supervisor Tom McDonald
Councilman Duane Jones
Councilman George Hurlbut
Councilman Mike Spadaro
Councilman Alex Karis

Minutes for the September 13th 2023 meeting have been read and accepted.

Update on Solar Project- They are in the final phase of the project and plan to be complete in November.

Budget Update- Meeting with the board members last week to review and finalize. They were able to say under the cap for the budget.

NYS Stress Report- The state determined that we are not a stressed area.

NOCCOG Dinner- Open to any board member on 10/26/23, reservations need to be made.

Safety Training/ Highway Department- All training classes and documents have been created and training will begin Monday 10/16/23. Safety issues in the town barn have been addressed and fixed.

Violence in the Workplace and Sexual Harassment for Town Officials- Classes and documentation has been built. Classes will begin 11/1/23.

New Town Hall Status Report- Continuing to work with bond council.

Information on Highway Department Boilers- Replacements parts are no longer available for the boiler system. Planning to get quotes on new boilers. Looking into the possibility of a propane system. Will continue to discuss.

Sale of Town’s Generator- Tim Lawyer offered $2,500.00 for the generator. Alex Karis offered Resolution #37-23 to accept offer, Duane Jones seconded. Ayes – McDonald, Jones, Karis, Hurlbut and Spadaro. Nays – none.

Electric Rates- Supervisor called National Grid to see about going rates for electricity. With phone confirmation the best rate will be with National Grid and there will be a savings of $5,000.00 next year.

HEAP will be at the Town Hall to assist residents on November 7th, November 28th, and December 12th from 1-5 PM.

Local Law #6 of 2023- Providing for the requirement of stamped, engineered drawings for all occupied dwellings. Mike Spadaro offered resolution #38-23 to accept new local law, Thomas McDonald seconded. Ayes – McDonald, Jones, Karis, Hurlbut and Spadaro. Nays – none.

NOCCOG, Joe Rowlands- Reviewed October 2023 announcements, webinars and trainings.

Cash Flow and Bills- Jones offered resolution #28-23 to pay the General Fund bills in the amount of $5659.19 on the #10-23 abstract. Hurlbut seconded. Ayes- All McDonald, Jones, Spadaro, Karis and Hurlbut. Nays-0
Karis offered resolution #39-23 to pay the Highway Fund bills in the amount of $7,236.15 on the #10-23 abstract. Spadaro seconded. Ayes- All McDonald, Jones, Spadaro, Karis and Hurlbut. Nays-0
Town Clerk, Meghan Spadaro- Submitted reports for September 2023
Highway Superintendent, Richard Roberts- The old tractor in need of repair and they are no longer manufacture the parts for repairs. The tractor is used year-round and a new one is needed. The highway superintendent is looking to utilize winter relief funds, CHIPS money and other NYS funding to assist with the purchase. The Superintendent is also exploring other payment options. Jones offered resolution #40-23 to allow the Superintendent to begin purchasing a new tractor Spadaro seconded. Ayes- All McDonald, Jones, Spadaro, Karis and Hurlbut. Nays-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM



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